Driving Medicals
Driving Examinations can be arranged for NSW Roads and Marine Services for Private and Commercial Drivers – with reference to Australian standards seen at http://www.austroads.com.au/drivers-vehicles/assessing-fitness-to-drive.
It assists if you have attended an Optometrist appointment prior to Attending the Doctor to complete Vision section but Vision can be assessed at the practice. You may require blood test, ECGs as part of cardiovascular risk assessment. For people with medical conditions, you may require Specialist review prior to the GP completing the Medical. The Standards for Commercial drivers are more specific and Specialist advice may be required. All Drivers in NSW should be aware of self-reporting new medical conditions e.g Sleep Apnoea, Heart, diabetes – Age medical commence annually at age 75.
Commercials drivers Seeking Basic Fatigue Management should be aware that these medicals do require comprehensive assessment and cannot be completed in 1 appointment unless this is planned on booking to check requirements for extra testing.
Railway Medicals Cat 1,2 & 3 Authorised Health Professionals
Dr Stephen Ross is an Authorised Health Professional
Please contact the practice for planning these appointments as they need prior Urinary Drug Screens at Local Pathology & possible Blood tests done in advance. It is best if requirements and paperwork is completed and the Practice need to allocate time for Nursing staff to perform testing. Breath Alcohol testing is available
Pre-Employment Medicals
Sometime this can be in conjuction with a local rehabilitation provider. Please discuss your requirements with the Switch operator or ask for Registered Nurse that organises Medical examinations- it generally best to email your requirements and forms so that a doctor can review what is required and make appropriate arrangements and timing. Please ask for a quote – general AMA fee schedule used as a reference. Alcohol Breath Tests can be performed on site, Urinary Spot Drug screens are done by Laverty Pathology Young
Pre-employment medicals can be tailored to the needs of the requesting organisation. Onsite we have available Audiology, Spirometry, ECG, Basic vision and Colour vision testing .
Icare NSW : doctors at the practice can elect to undertake the role of Nominated Treating Doctor. We recommend an injured worker attends their regular GP initially.