NSW Health Rural and Regional Health Scholarships program are currently offering a scholarship for persons to
Supporting Entry into University Medicine Program Scholarship
The Supporting Entry into University Medicine Program Scholarship is designed to provide financial support to prospective students from NSW rural communities who are pursuing a career in medicine.
About the scholarship
The Program aims to support entry-level students that intend to work in rural communities in the future. The Scholarship provides financial support ($1200) to cover registration for a 2024 GAMSAT exam, assist with associated expenses such as travel to the exam and preparation for the exam (e.g., purchasing preparation materials).
Please read the Scholarship Guidelines for eligibility and the link to the online application form via this link
Supporting Entry into University Medicine Program Scholarship | HETI (nsw.gov.au)

Allied Health Rural Generalist Program (Level 1) Scholarship
The Allied Health Rural Generalist Program (Level 1) Scholarship has been established to equip and support new graduate or early career allied health professionals to work effectively in rural and remote settings.
About the scholarship
The Allied Health Rural Generalist Program (Level 1) Scholarship provides financial assistance of up to $12,000 to complete the Level 1 Allied Health Rural Generalist Program through James Cook University. Scholarship funds can be used for course fees, technology or other costs associated with completing this training program within your Local Health District.
The Scholarship is available for new graduate and early career (less than 3 years’ experience) NSW Health allied health professionals working in an MM3-MM7 location.
Allied Health Rural Generalist Program (Level 1) Scholarship | HETI (nsw.gov.au)https://www.heti.nsw.gov.au/Placements-Scholarships-Grants/scholarships-and-grants/allied-health-rural-generalist-program-level-1-scholarship