This practice offers Q fever vaccination
Q Fever is a disease that can be spread to humans mainly from cattle, sheep and goats
The germ is spread in the urine, faeces and milk, but birth fluids, the foetus and the placenta are the most dangerous sources. When infected fluids dry out, the germ can remain alive in the dust for years.
NSW Health Statistics in Murrumbidgee regions for 2016 were 13 and 1017 11 new cases Q fever. Q fever vaccination is recommended for those at risk of infection: this includes abattoir workers, farmers, stockyard workers, shearers, animal transporters, veterinarians.
You then require 2 appointments – the first involves a skin test and a blood test same day.There is a cost involved as the vaccination is not on the Government vaccination schedule.The nurses can supply the information to protect your of your families health – it involves pre-planning as you need to arrange supply of QVax skin and QVax vaccination supply from Hamblins AMCAL Pharmacy in Young.
If both tests do not show any previous exposure to QFever ,you are vaccinated one week later