Dr Michael Payne & Dr Anna Giles
88 Forsyth Street, Wagga Wagga, NSW 2650
Phone: 6921 7088 Fax: 6921 7099
Website: www.riverinageneralsurgeons.com.au

Dr Michael Payne
Riverina General Surgeons
88 Forsyth Street
Wagga Wagga 2650
Phone: 69217088
Fax: 69217099

Dr Anna Giles
Riverina General Surgeons
88 Forsyth Street
Wagga Wagga 2650
Phone: 69217088
Fax: 69217099

Mr Richard Harrison (General Surgeon)
Suite 18 2 Docker Street Wagga Wagga 2650 Phone: 6925 0099 Fax: 69251499
email admin@hwpconsulting.com.au
Mr Harrison also operates at Riverina Day Surgery 2-8 Meurant Ave Wagga Wagga 2650 Phone: 6925 6256 Fax: 6925 6257 https://curagroup.com.au/riverina-day-surgery
Dr Denbigh Simond
Suite 18 2 Docker Street Wagga Wagga 2650 Phone: 69260050 Fax: 69251499
email admin@hwpconsulting.com.au
Also at Riverina Day Surgery 2-8 Meurant Ave Wagga Wagga 2650 Phone: 6925 6256 Fax: 6925 6257 website https://curagroup.com.au/riverina-day-surgery
Dr Arnagretta Hunter
– a technician attends with her for echocardiograms
Bookings at her main rooms ; Northside Cardiology, Calvary Clinic Canberra , Suite 22, 40 Mary Potter Circuit
Bruce 2617 Phone: 62530177 Fax: 62530188
Dr Robert Schmidli
Suite 26 John James Medical Centre 175 Strickland Crescent Deakin 2600
Phone: 62829962 Fax: 62824117
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Dr Mohamed Foda
90 Peter Street Wagga Wagga 2650 Phone: 69211666 Fax: 69214999
Orthopaedic Surgeon
Dr Andrew Clout
13 Gormly Avenue Wagga Wagga 2650 Phone: 6925 2070 Fax: 6925 2448
Particular interest in hips & knees
Dr Nick Tsai
Visits Young to consult in all areas and will refer to appropriate Specialist in Canberra
19-23 Moore Street Cnr of Barry Drive & Moore street TURNER, ACT 2612 Phone: 62219320 Fax: 62570919
Interest in Spinal Surgery
Dr Muhammad Choudry
Suite 11/12 Napier Close Deakin 2600 Phone: 61545031 Fax: 61694437